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68Ga – generator

The 68Ga — generator of a chromatographic type is a glass column with a sorbent based on modified titanium dioxide. The parent radionuclide 68Ge (T1/2=270.95 d) is fixed on this sorbent. The column is placed into the lead shielding container and provided with eluent and eluate lines. 68Ga (T1/2=67.71 min.), which is formed as a result of 68Ge decay, is eluted from the column by 0.1 M HCI.

68Ga — yield in 5 ml of eluent is not less than 70 % at the first time of the operation and not less than 45% in 3 years or after 400 elutions.

The breakthrough of 68Ge is not more than 0.005 %.

Dimensions of generator:
Ø — 90 mm
h — 188 mm
G/weight — 11.7 kg

The 68Ga— generator is produced with a nominal activity of 68Ge — 10 mCi (370 MBq), 20 mCi (740 Mbq), 30 mCi (1110 MBq), 40 mCi (1480 MBq), 50 mCi ( 1850 MBq) and 100 mCi (3700 MBq).

The admissible deviation from nominal activity ranges from 0 to + 10%.

* The generators with different activity levels can be delivered upon request.