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Gallium-68 Generator

(TU 95 2821-2018)

     Field of application: calibration of equipment in positron emission tomography centers, development of methods for the synthesis of gallium-68 labeled compounds. It is not intended for direct medical use.

     Gallium−68 (T1/2=67.71min.) is a daughter product Germanium−68 (T1/2=270.93 days).

     The gallium-68 generator of a chromatographic type is a glass column with a sorbent based on modified titanium dioxide, on which the parent radionuclide germanium-68 is sorbed. The column is placed into a shielding container and is equipped with eluent and eluate lines.

     Gallium-68 is eluted from the column with a solution of 0.1 M HCI.

     The yield of 68Ga in 5 ml of eluent is at least 70 % during the initial period of operation of the generator and at least 45 % after 3 years or after 400 elutions (2000 ml of 0.1 M HCl).

     68Ge breakthrough is no more than 0.005%.

     Overall dimensions of the generator:

• diameter — 90 mm;

• height - 188 mm.

• weight — 11.7 kg


     The generators are supplied with nominal germanium-68 activity in the generator — 10 mCi (0.37 GBq), 20 mCi (0.74 GBq), 30 mCi (1.11 GBq), 40 mCi (1.48 GBq), 50 mCi (1.85 GBq) and 100 mCi (3.7 GBq).

     The permissible deviation from the nominal activity is from 0 to + 10%.

     At the customer's request, the generator can be supplied with a different Ge-68 activity value.